TransCaucasian “Troika” Transcaucasian countries: Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan


From the immemorial time of centuries, interracial conflicts have divided people and nations into warring camps where the ground was created for deeper ideological reflection and selfknowledge as a separate ethnic group.
A triangle as a geometrical figure very precisely geographically connects the three Transcaucasian countries, but has its sharp corners, inter-ethnic conflicts, which at one time had a devastating effect on the peace in the region.
Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan – the history of these peoples that never reconcile with their vassal attitude that doomed these countries to long and continuing conflicts. The collapse of tsarist Russia made it possible for the Transcaucasian people for self-determination, the proclamation of their state and self-affirmation. However, past events incited by third parties left a deep scar on inter-ethnic hatred and fear.

Armenia – (Hayastan) gained independence in 1918 already having a burden of inter-ethnic conflict with neighbouring Azerbaijan. The beginning of the impetus for interracial hatred was laid back in tsarist times and was practically fueled by the interests of tsarist Russia in the struggle against the Ottoman Empire. Thus, a grain of hatred towards the Turks and peoples with Turkish roots (Azerbaijan) was already laid. The grain did not keep itself waiting and bore fruit, turning into an opening confrontation with Azerbaijan (1918-1920). During the period of Sovietization and the Soviet Union, ethnic strife between the two Caucasian republics were brought to a neutral state, which once again “straightened up” and was ignited by a new fire of hatred, war, separatism and terror (Nagorno-Karabakh) in the period 1988-1994.

Georgia – (Sakartvelo), having inherited from the USSR as a part of the state, two autonomous, Abkhazia and South Ossetia were initially doomed to conflict. The escalation of relations came at a time when the authorities in Georgia tried to increase pressure on both autonomous as well as declaring sovereignty in both regions. The preconditions for the war were already laid by domination of national minorities as well as the undisguised interest and support of Russia which in every way supported the attempt of self-determination of South Ossetia and then Abkhazia.

War in Abkhazia (1992-1993)

The surge of nationalism (Georgia-Ossetia, Georgia-Abkhazia) led eventually to another war in the Transcaucasia that occurred in the period 1991-1994. The conclusion of an agreement to stop the conflict was not effective, which led to a new clash in 2008 between Georgia and South Ossetia where Russia has already entered the full phase of the war with Georgia. To this day, conflicts with Abkhazia and South Ossetia have not been resolved and there is still a neutral tension with the potential of war.

Azerbaijan – (Azerbaijan) from the first days of the formation of the first state (1918) was immersed in inter-ethnic conflict with neighbouring Armenia. The main reason for the conflict lays in the ethnic hatred of one towards another, stimulated by the interests of Russia and the Bolsheviks, as well as the territorial claims of Armenia towards Azerbaijan.

The problem that arose later in 1988 and then escalated into a local war in Nagorno-Karabakh (1991-1994) was provoked by the weakness of the USSR government in the fight against separatism on the one hand and ideological incitement in the higher echelons of the central committee of the USSR on the other. The hidden “under the carpet” cause of the conflict by Russia had already led to more aggravating events and to a point of no return for full-scale peace talks. As a result, Azerbaijan had lost 20% of its territory that is still in confrontation with neighbouring Armenia to this day.

The practice of applying the “divide and conquer” policy is fully acceptable for the abovementioned region of the world – the “Transcaucasian geometric triangle” where the buried interethnic confrontations take on a new more terrible appearance as a result of the use of the “time bomb”.
The tactical use of the identical mechanism in hybrid wars is incontrovertible, as if the same director (Russia) writes a similar script for the “film”, successfully used in the Georgian-Ossetian, Georgian-Abkhaz, Transnistria, Nagorno-Karabakh and in the conflict in Ukraine.

The interests and interventions of third countries are irrefutable and require a more rational, active approach and the intervention of other countries to balance the forces in the region and subsequently for a phased solution and reconciliation of nations of Transcaucasia.


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